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Irritable Bowel Syndrome Specialist

ML Gastroenterology

Maria Lufrano, DO

Gastroenterology located in Bronxville, NY

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common gastrointestinal condition that causes abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, or constipation. Though the severity of symptoms varies, your IBS may affect your quality of life. But IBS is a treatable condition. At ML Gastroenterology in Bronxville, New York, Maria Lufrano, DO, takes a conservative and integrative approach to care, designing plans to ease your IBS symptoms and improve your quality of life. For patient-centered IBS care, call the office or schedule an appointment online today.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome Q & A

What is irritable bowel syndrome?

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a condition that affects the function of your bowels, causing abdominal pain along with diarrhea, constipation, or both. Though IBS causes significant discomfort, it doesn’t damage the gastrointestinal tract or increase your risk of developing other health problems like colon cancer.

IBS is a disorder of gut-brain interactions. Symptoms of IBS are a result of how your gut and brain work together, making your digestive system more sensitive. This gut-brain interaction also affects bowel contractions.

Though not harmful to your gastrointestinal tract, IBS is a chronic condition. With the right treatment plan, however, you can control your IBS. 

What are the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome?

Recurring abdominal pain and changes in bowel habits are the primary symptoms of IBS. If you have IBS, you may have bouts of diarrhea, constipation, or both. You may also have bloating and excess gas.

People with IBS may also notice a change in stool appearance or stool covered in mucus. 

Stress or anxiety may worsen your symptoms. 

How is irritable bowel syndrome diagnosed?

ML Gastroenterology specializes in diagnosing IBS. During a consultation, your gastroenterologist asks detailed questions about your symptoms. They also review your medical and family histories and perform a physical exam.

To diagnose IBS, the gastroenterologist looks for a pattern of symptoms. Your gastroenterologist may run diagnostic tests, such as bloodwork, stool testing, an endoscopy, or a colonoscopy, to rule out other causes of your symptoms.

How is irritable bowel syndrome treated?

ML Gastroenterology takes a conservative and integrative approach to care. The gastroenterologist customizes your IBS treatment plan based on the type and severity of your symptoms.

Initial treatment may focus on lifestyle and nutrition. Managing your stress and making changes to your diet may ease your symptoms. The type of diet best suited for your IBS may depend on the types of foods that cause discomfort. 

Some people with IBS see improvements in their symptoms when they add more fiber to their diet, while others find that avoiding certain foods works best. ML Gastroenterology uses nutritional supplements to help manage IBS symptoms.

ML Gastroenterology may also prescribe IBS medications to treat specific symptoms when lifestyle changes fail to provide enough relief.

IBS is a chronic gastrointestinal condition that benefits from ongoing medical care and monitoring. For a more personalized approach to managing your IBS, call ML Gastroenterology, or schedule a consultation online today.